Pfitzinger marathon training plan

Pfitzinger Marathon Training Plan at the Halfway Point

I’m halfway through the 12 week/55-70 mile Pfitzinger marathon training plan I’m using to run my first sub-3-hour marathon at the 2024 Virginia Beach Shamrock Marathon on March 17—St. Paddy’s Day. How does it compare to the Pfitzinger 18 week/55-70 mile plan from Advanced Marathoning?

I found out last fall that an 18-week training block is tough. It feels overly long (Duh, it’s 18 weeks) and it can be easy to lose motivation at times throughout the grueling 4+ months. But shaving six weeks off the plan is much more manageable, even if each of the 12 weeks demands more.

running on a track

Why Running On A Track Actually Isn’t Horrible

For the longest time I avoided running on a track. Blame it on my PTSD from the annual gym class “mile run” in grade school. Yes, believe it or not, I used to hate running. Now, I’m practically insufferable writing about anything and everything running-related. I guess that’s what they call growth?

Why would I want to run in a giant circle repeatedly on display, in the spotlight for anyone and their grandmother to watch? Yes, I’m aware no one desires to see me run, but it’s just the fact that someone could. Possibly it’ll be some day in a dystopian future when…