post-marathon recovery plan

My Post-Marathon Recovery Plan: Winging It

It’s been said that marathon recovery is just as important as training. Why don’t I follow a post-marathon recovery plan like I do a training plan? The last thing I want to do after a four-month training block is follow another plan!

I recently recapped my disappointing sixth marathon, the Virginia Beach Shamrock Marathon, and failed second attempt at breaking three hours. As much as I’m determined to find my next marathon and begin a new training plan, I’ve been greatly enjoying a more carefree post-marathon recovery plan: no plan.

Virginia Beach marathon Shamrock Marathon

Virginia Beach Marathon Recap: Sub-Three Will Have to Wait

Last Sunday I ran the Virginia Beach Marathon, my sixth marathon and second attempt at breaking three hours. I’m in the best shape of my life thanks to completing the best training block of my running career. However, I finished just under 3:05—barely a PR, but I wanted more. I wanted the race clock to read 2:59:59 or below when I crossed the finish line. I didn’t train for a slight PR—I trained for a big 6-minute PR using the Pfitzinger 12 week/55-70 mile plan.

Virginia Beach marathon

Virginia Beach Marathon: Breaking Three Hours, Attempt 2

How do I bounce back from a disappointing Marine Corps Marathon in which I failed to reach my sub-3-hour marathon goal? By getting back out on the roads and training even harder this winter. My sixth 26.2-mile trek and second attempt at breaking three hours will be the Virginia Beach Marathon (Shamrock) on March 17.

If I want to trim six minutes off my PR (3:05:51), I’ll need to tap into the “luck of the Irish” as I race on St. Paddy’s Day. Oh, and some training might help, too.