A company’s motto or slogan is supposed to define the brand. It represents the company and what it stands for. It helps create brand recognition and communicates a message to …

Making running fun…by making fun of it
A company’s motto or slogan is supposed to define the brand. It represents the company and what it stands for. It helps create brand recognition and communicates a message to …
There’s nothing more exciting in life for runners than a great update to an already great running shoe. Unfortunately, one unnamed running brand is here today to present a terrible update to a great shoe. With this edition, the pair went from awesome to atrocious. But it’s still a new shoe, after all! And nothing beats new shoes! Right? Ready to discover your new least favorite shoe?
What’s the truth about The Size 15 Runner name? I thought long about the right name for my blog. It couldn’t be anything too obscure, but nothing too banal either. …