running with The Size 15 Runner

What’s it Like Running with The Size 15 Runner?

Let’s not be coy and just state the obvious: It’s truly a distinct honor and a privilege to run with The Size 15 Runner. Of course, as a celebrity influencer, he won’t run with just anybody. He’s a leader, not a follower. You have to be, when you’re someone with the extremely high social status of The Size 15 Runner.

Recently, he was feeling rather generous, and decided to grant a lifelong friend his lifelong wish: to run with The Size 15 Runner.

buying running shoes

Can’t Stop Buying Running Shoes? Research Backs Your Habit

Paying for experiences is more likely to lead to happiness than buying material goods. A problematic finding for running shoe addicts like me. But when you consider the opportunities presented by a good pair of running shoes, you realize the conundrum: buying running shoes is a material purchase that leads to the best experiences life can offer. Here’s how to justify to your significant other, family, and to yourself, that buying endless pairs of running shoes is a smart investment.