running blogs

My Favorite Running Blogs of 2023: Part 2

Typically, year-end lists are comprised of diverse content pulled from a variety of sources. Not this one. This is my website, after all. Since launching The Size 15 Runner in April of this year, I’ve published more than 70 running blogs ranging from satirical to heartfelt. As a covert narcissist, I love everything I write, but it’d be ridiculous to feature all 70+ running blogs here…right? Right? Instead, I broke them into two parts. Here is part two of MY favorite running blogs from the first year.

10 Commandments of Running

From running podcasts and YouTube channels to Instagram and, well, blogs, it’s never been easier to present yourself as an expert in the running world. But with all that noise disguised as advice, how can you truly know how to reach your full potential as a runner?

Look no further: an ancient stone tablet etched with the 10 Commandments of Running was recently unearthed. Scholars have proposed a wide range of theories to explain the commandments’ origin, but one thing is clear: it’s now regarded as the definitive religion for all runners. To avoid any (extremely unlikely) misinterpretations of the Commandments, I’ve graciously provided you with my sound guidance on how to follow them. Ready to become the best runner you can be? See the 10 Commandments.

running blogs
Running blogs: 10 Commandments of Running.

Justifying Running Shoe Addictions

Research shows that paying for experiences is more likely to lead to happiness than buying material goods. On the surface, that’s a problematic finding for running shoe addicts like me. But when you consider the opportunities presented by a good pair of running shoes, you realize the conundrum: buying running shoes is a material purchase that leads to the best experiences life can offer. Here’s how to justify to your significant other, family, friends, and to yourself, that buying endless pairs of running shoes is actually a brilliant investment.

Avoid this Running Shoe Mistake

I recently looked at my running shoe rotation in the mirror and I didn’t like what I saw. I realized I had a shoe problem. No, I’m not talking about the size of my running shoe collection. A running shoe addiction is a good problem to have. Nor was I talking about the brands — many companies don’t even offer size 15 shoes. The issue was I didn’t see any shoe color represented beyond black and white — I was colorblind. Read why choosing shoe colorways is more important than you think and what your colorways say about you.

Choosing Running Shoe Names

As a running shoe geek, I’ve always wanted to be a fly on the wall in meetings of running shoe companies. Fortunately, I was able to sneak in a recorder underneath the conference room table at the headquarters of a running shoe company. You’re in for a treat! The following transcript is the conversation of company executives discussing running shoe names for their newest pair. See how the sausage is made.

running blogs
Running blogs: How companies choose shoe names.

Is it OK to Heel Strike?

Despite nearly two decades of running, I’m only now being informed that I’m a heel striker. All this time, I thought I was landing with my forefoot, not my dreaded heel! I even ensure that I land with my forefoot in all the photos I pose for on Instagram. Yuck! This news was very hard to swallow. Heel striking running is no way to run. To prove I don’t belong with heel strikers, I’m meeting with my sports psychologist to see if she can stroke my fragile ego and turn me into a forefoot — or, at least midfoot — striker. Hear the conversation.

Greatest Race You’ve Never Heard Of

What makes the perfect race? Is it a fun course in an idyllic setting complete with breathtaking views of distinctive scenery at every mile? Maybe it’s one hosted at a popular location boasting diverse tourist attractions and great nightlife around every street corner. Or maybe it’s packed to the brim with outstanding crowd support to encourage racers at every turn. My first marathon had none of those features, and yet, it will always be flawless. Here’s the story of the My Best Friends Are Cows Marathon.

How NOT to Use Energy Gels

Some athletes believe they need performance-enhancing drugs to gain a competitive advantage. Human growth hormone (HGH), anabolic steroids, you name it, desperate athletes got ‘em. And they can have them. I have enough pimples, hair loss, and extreme mood swings to last me a lifetime. The only injection I want is a shot of ooey, gooey fluid from energy gels. They’re the best natural performance enhancer to fuel your runs including speed workouts, long runs, and race day. Give me fructose, glucose, and calcium carbonate instead of trenbolone, oxymetholone, and nandrolone.

However, from personal experience, I know it can be easy to get caught up in the energy gel game and find yourself constantly chasing the “sugar high” provided by this faux candy. I moderated an Energy Gel-aholics Anonymous” meeting to help others overcome their energy gel addictions like I did.

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Running blogs: How NOT to use energy gels.

Couch Sitting to Marathon Running

Like most kids growing up, I never could’ve dreamed I’d be running marathons. I mean, I never thought I’d even be running, period. Like, who chooses to run for fun? But, thanks to my dad, I was introduced to the wonderful sport at just the right time in my life. It would take a while to stick with it, but once I did, my relationship to sports—and life—changed forever. How can running change your life?

Running Shoes Meet Rom Coms

Buying running shoes can often feel like entering into a romantic relationship. And just as a romantic relationship can lead to love, you can fall head over running-shoe-heels for your footwear. But what happens when the running shoe magic (and outsole) starts to fade? Find out through the lens of romantic comedies.

Never Judge Runners

I have a confession: I can’t help but check people out when I run. Don’t worry, I’m an equal opportunity starer — both men and women catch my wandering eye. While running, I simply must turn my noggin to gaze at folks from head to toe. But I’m not gawking at their bodies — that would make me a creep. No, instead, I examine the running gear they choose to wear. You see, mine is a different kind of “checking out.” I’m only interested in the running shoes they’re rocking and the running attire they’re draped in. I take my time with my glare, ensuring I recognize the many (or lone) brand(s) they represent.

While I’ve witnessed plenty of wild fashion statements made on the pavement or trails, it certainly doesn’t matter what people wear; it simply excites me to see running apparel in the wild. Here’s why you should never judge a runner by what they wear.


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