Opinion Training

How to Choose the Best Running Route

Everyone’s got their favorite street or trail to run on as part of their running route. There are the iconic ones known to runners across the world — Magnolia Road, Prefontaine’s (Pre’s) Trail, Boylston Street, the entirety of Central Park. Then there are the ones that hold a special place in our hearts and in the training plan, like the secluded rail trail that runs parallel to the noisy, well-traveled street. Or the loop encircling the neighborhood’s scenic pond. And who could forget that cesspool of a back alley behind your favorite dive bar littered with used needles, rat traps, and…litter. Ok, maybe not that one. But it’s the one route that, no matter your state of mind or body, lifts both your spirits and legs higher.

How should you choose the best running route for you? You may have developed a special history with the terrain over time. It could have pleasing, sweeping views and sweet sounds of nature. Perhaps it has a merciful downhill, or, if you’re a masochist, an unforgiving uphill. Maybe it’s isolated from cars, houses, and people.

My favorite running “path” has all those charming characteristics, and many more. Nestled in the rolling hills of the idyllic Central Pennsylvania countryside is the roughly one-mile-long Turtle Creek Road.

The greatest mile

What makes a running route truly great? A lot of things. But the surefire sign of an exceptional route is when reversing it feels like an entirely different running experience. Unfortunately, there’s no escaping challenging hills on Turtle Creek Road no matter how you run it. At least it provides some nice hill training for the Marine Corps Marathon. While there are only a couple, they are two of the steepest, longest hills in the area. Consistent running on Turtle Creek Road helped me embrace hills and all the pain and discomfort they bring.

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Only the beginning of this very steep hill

Whenever I come back to Pennsylvania to visit family, it’s the one road I must run – repeatedly, nearly every time I step foot outside my parents’ front door to hit the pavement. With a total of only three houses on the street, horses are the only company you keep. Perfect for runners to find their happy place and get lost in the serenity of nature.

I’ve often daydreamed about a photographer capturing the ultimate shot of me running from afar as I climb the steep hill alongside the gorgeous setting of lush trees and open fields. In fact, I’ve long thought that shot would make the perfect photo for Runner’s World “Rave Run” feature. Do they still do those?

I decided to make my fantasy a reality. My family graciously captured some nice shots for me to use in this blog post.

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Talk about a “rave run!”

More than just a route

I mentioned that I have a special history with Turtle Creek Road. Well, not only did running on the winding road help me fall in love with running, but it also served as the backdrop where I proposed to my wife. Ever since that day nearly three years ago, the road has taken on a whole new meaning to me every time I step foot on it.

Taken one way, proposing to my wife at a spot that has significance to only me could be viewed as self-centered. Or perhaps I recognized the unmatched beauty of the setting was the only proper locale to host such a beautiful moment.

What started as my favorite running route quickly became my wife’s go-to biking route — when she bikes with me, at least. Left to her own devices, she’d ride on a flat surface the entire time. But like in any good marriage, it’s important to push each other to improve. If that means me literally pushing her up the steepest, endless hill imaginable, you bet I do it, with one hand on her back as we venture forward side by side. It’s just one of the many ways the power of running can positively impact the people in our lives. So, how should you choose the best running route? Follow your heart.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, Turtle Creek Road beckons; maybe I’ll finally see the reptile it was named after. If so, at least I won’t be the slowest one out there as I conquer the hills with a grin from ear to ear. My wife may be frowning next to me, but I know her big smile is just a mile away.


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