The Size 15 Runner Podcast

Now Live: The Size 15 Runner Podcast

Yes, I’m fully aware: no one needs another podcast. Especially not another runner podcast. Especially not from a guy who calls himself The Size 15 Runner. And, especially not from someone with less than 100 Instagram followers. (Instagram follower count is the ultimate arbiter of worth, right?)

But The Size 15 Runner Podcast isn’t just another podcast. Well, it is, but it’s not the same old, same old podcast. Think of it as half audiobook, half podcast, fully unique—I think?

I launched The Size 15 Runner Blog in April 2023, and today I launch the accompanying podcast. If you’re looking for heart, humor, and humility in the world of running, this is the podcast for you.

Content and format

Each episode I’ll read three blogs from The Size 15 Runner and discuss—with myself—the topics and their significance to runners. If you missed any of the blogs from 2023 and were too lazy to go back and read them, fear not: the podcast will start with the blogs from the very beginning—almost nine months ago. But it won’t just be a reading of the blogs. I’ll provide context on why I wrote what I did while adding more background and detail than in the blog. Additionally, I’ll give updates on my training, races, and anything else running-related going on in my life.

Every week, you’ll hear me, myself, and I on the podcast. Down the road, I plan on having a variety of guests, from athletes and running brands to race directors and running organizations, to regular runners like you and me. For now, I don’t feel the need to make every episode overly long. With that in mind, episodes will run 30-ish minutes and will release every Thursday on Spotify and Apple Music. The episodes are designed to be listened to while running, walking, cooking, driving, and however else you listen to your favorite podcasts!

The Size 15 Runner Podcast


I’d be lying if I said starting a podcast was the plan all along. I never could have imagined I’d be amplifying my annoying voice into a microphone for strangers to hear. Then again, I never thought I’d start a blog, either. It’s funny how things happen the way they do. Ironically, some professional lows gave me the confidence and knowledge I needed to create The Size 15 Runner.

It took me 30ish years, but I finally reached a significant point in my life: I learned you can care what other people think of you and your work—it’s very hard not to—but you can never let their opinions alter your behavior. For so long, my fear of being judged severely limited my life. I was afraid to take chances, afraid to express myself, and afraid of the unknown.

But after experiencing much frustration and uncertainty, I was at a crossroads in life. I decided to follow my passions—writing and running—oh, and family is cool, too I guess—and turn them into this. Whatever this is. I’m excited to see how the blog and now, The Size 15 Runner Podcast, will continue to evolve over time. The only thing left to create is a running YouTube channel. No, thanks. Well, I’ll never say never. Thank you, as always, for coming along for the journey.


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