Love letter to running

A Love Letter to Running

What better way to express your love for someone than by writing a love letter? Yes, running may be inanimate, but it continues to serve as a main character throughout my life. Here is my love letter to running.

Dearest Running,

You’re the first thought I have when I wake up in the morning, and the last one before my head hits the pillow at night. Oh, and then I dream about racking up miles while I’m counting sheep. And you’re also on my mind during breakfast, lunch, dinner, those four or five snacks I shove my face with throughout the day, and most especially, while I’m working. I couldn’t agree more with people who say there aren’t enough hours in the day — there ought to be at least a couple more so I can revel in your splendor for that much longer. Sound corny? Sure, but love often is. That’s right, I am head over (running shoe) heels in love with you.  

When The Size 15 Runner met running

But it sure wasn’t love at first sight. I’ll never forget the first time we were set up by my elementary school gym teacher. I instantly despised you. That’s right, I loathed you for the longest time. And with good reason; you hurt me deeply. You broke my heart, or at least, made it hurt each time we were together. You humiliated me as I routinely finished last in 8th grade cross country races. You made me resent you. So, I broke up with you. But just like the notorious Joni Mitchell line, I didn’t know what I had ‘til it was gone. So, despite all of the aches, pains, and distress you inflicted upon my body and mind, I couldn’t seem to quit you for good.

“You are the sunshine of my life”

They say distance makes the heart grow fonder. When it comes to you, I’ve found the inverse of the traditional meaning to be true. I discovered there was a positive correlation between an increase in mileage and hours run each week and my amplified happiness. In short, the more time I spent with you, the more I wanted you. You could say it’s a different kind of distance that warms my heart.

“I ended my love-hate relationship with you and started a new one based on unconditional love for the one that has brought me immense fulfillment and joy throughout my life.”

Maybe it’s because I love that you make me feel warm when it’s 31 degrees out. I could even say, when I’m running in the winter, it feels like I’ve got the month of May. I love how in sync we are — you follow in my footsteps with every stride; I know you’d even follow me to the ends of the earth. I love that, after I spend the day with you, I can still smell your stink on my clothes. I came here today to write this letter because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with running, you want the world to know as soon as possible.

“Just the way you are”

Through all the hours I spent with you, year after year, accumulating mile after mile, together we’ve built a strong foundation on which our love is based; a foundation that can never be broken. Years ago, I ended my love-hate relationship with you and started a new one — a better one — based on unconditional love for the one that has brought me such immense fulfillment and joy throughout my life.

Of course, like all healthy relationships, we’ll continue to have our share of difficulties. I admit that on some days, I just go through the motions with you. Sometimes it’s because I’m tired, and other times I’d rather just be spending time with friends or family. It’s not that I love you any less, but not every run can be exciting. And in the weeks when I’m tapering, take solace in knowing I’m saving myself for our special day — race day. And when I ghost you for a week post-race, please know it’s nothing personal. I just need some alone time to recharge.

“Regardless of the forecast, we stick together through thick (humidity) and thin (layers of ice). Because I’ve got my fair share of flaws, too.”

Now, I’m not a fair-weather lover, but you really do test my affection during very brutal winters. Additionally, high temperatures in the summer don’t make you very pleasant. Regardless of the forecast, we stick together through thick (humidity) and thin (layers of ice). Because I’ve got my fair share of flaws, too. And while we have our differences, the truth is, most relationship problems (69%) never get fixed, they’re “perpetual problems based on personality differences between partners,” according to research from The Gottman Institute.

“At last…my love has come along”

I’ve never been the flashy type, so in lieu of presenting vows during a public ceremony, I thought I’d write them on my public blog instead.

I, The Size 15 Runner, take you, Running, to be my partner, to jog with and to sprint with, from this day’s run forward, during fast paces and slow paces, from 5ks to marathons, in great runs and in horrible ones, to love and cherish always.

I promise to adequately stretch for every most runs. I promise not to get complacent by running the same routes. I promise to not depend on you for happiness, nor tie my identity to you. I promise to always dress in the nicest-looking running shoes and apparel. I promise to never wear white shoes after Labor Day, or before, for that matter. And, most importantly, I promise to abstain from wearing cotton.

From dreading the annual one-mile run in gym class, to eagerly anticipating 26.2 of them, my outlook on you and on life changed completely. You challenge me to set goals, you push me to never stop improving, and you make me a better person. But I wouldn’t say you complete me. After all, I do have a wife who I love dearly. Promise me you won’t be too clingy?


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